
Doctrine is a codification of beliefs or a body of teachings or instructions, taught principles or positions, as the essence of teachings in a given branch of knowledge or in a belief system (Wikipedia).

Doctrine is needed in the beginning to find the noble truth. Examine whether the doctrine is true or not. Otherwise, one will blatantly find the noble truth; even one will never know if the noble truth exists or not.

Here’s an analogy I can think of. You need to go to grandma’s house one day, but you have never gone there. You are only told to turn right after exiting the highway; when you see that ABC shop, take the nearest U-turn, then turn left. Go straight until you see XYZ shop, turn right, then go straight before the end of the road, and turn left. Grandma’s house is the third on the left.

In the case above, the noble truth is grandma’s house, while doctrines are the ABC shop, XYZ shop, and end of the road. Sometimes, before you realize the truth, you must accept those doctrines to reach your destination. But, if you are superhuman, then those doctrines are not needed. You have the GPS and can go directly to grandma’s house without any clues.

I need to discuss this as in finding the noble truth, many things are beyond my knowledge, or I have never (remember) experienced it before. Thus, those doctrines help me guide the way to the noble truth and connect the dots (things that I know by direct knowledge and experience).

Finding the noble truth is a lifetime journey to attain it with direct knowledge and experience. In the end, it will show me the purpose of life and walk on the right path directly to my purpose without any doctrines.

If you can’t see very far ahead go ahead as far as you can see.

Dawson Trotman

Photo credit: Matthieu taken from

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