MSG and sugar.

Some aliens we (presumably) know are intelligent and have advanced technology to fly over to earth. They have relatively longer age compared to our prehistoric humans. In some ways, they are the same with us, they like to do some research on the subjects they think it is interesting.

In one fine day, some of them found earth that seemingly fit for human to live on. Then they put dinosaurs as guinea pig on earth, it seems dinosaurs on their planet are tame creatures.

Then when they think human can live on earth, they removed the dinosaurs and put the first humans here on earth. It is possible that alien created the human through the DNA manipulation.

What they (aliens) do not know is, human can create an MSG and sugar that can shorten the average lifespan. Up until today, they still looking on us, how human evolving really slow.

Finally, someday we all (aliens and humans) will realize that it doesn’t matter if we evolve or not nor if we can create spaceship to go to another planet to survive (from dying earth), but how do we really live our life to discover its meaning and how one can conquer oneself are the ones matter most.

Photo credit: Tara Winstead taken from

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