Everything I’ve learned in life, read at your own risk.

  • The Atomic Habits

    The Atomic Habits

    I just read the back cover of this book but forgot what it was. And I think it’s interesting and worth knowing for people like me who is trying to achieve some goals. This is my own take on it based on some thoughts and combining some advice from several sources. Do comment below if…

  • Dancing in the rain.

    Dancing in the rain.

    You will not die by trying new hairstyle or wearing unusual colors of your choice. who cares what others gonna say. It’s your life. And, it will be a good practice to do something that scares you, everyday. It will open a new horizon that anything is possible. Remember, you always have the options to…

  • Opportunity


    Imagine, somehow you managed to give a donation to a boy in need, who do you think luckier in this case, the boy or you? If somebody ask you this question, you might just think it is the latter, but naturally most people would think the boy is luckier. Opportunities may not come often, when…

  • The Impossible Dream

    The Impossible Dream

    I happen to be listening to this song a lot lately. It is the one sung by Jack Jones, “The Impossible Dream.” The lyric felt to have a strong determination, and I like it much. You can see it on YouTube or hear it on Spotify. Here is the lyric. To dream the impossible dreamTo…

  • Into the abyss.

    Into the abyss.

    Do you think there is somebody cooking ex-humans in a big frying pan in hell? Why would anyone want to do this in their whole life, or are there working hour so they can take turn in shifts? Or if there is only human in hell, isn’t it better to be animal instead, so we…

  • On Perseverance

    On Perseverance

    There are times you face difficult situations, complex problems or everything seems off and hard to make it right. When you are in these situations, always remember this: DIFFICULT means YOU CAN! Don’t whine or make excuses, find a solution instead and do it in timely manner. Make this as a habit, and you’ll be…

  • Impermanence


    Nothing in this universe is permanent unless the impermanence itself. Everything is constantly changing. Even mountain we saw ten minutes ago is never the same as it is now. The sun that looks the same long ago loses millions of tons of mass every single second. But why does our mind play tricks in the…

  • How heaven is going to be like?

    How heaven is going to be like?

    Most people would describe heaven as a nice place to stay, enough light, warm, you have everything you need, surrounded with your loved ones, always happy. On this note, I would like to ask you to think the possibilities together. This would violate your imagination of heaven, but.. nevermind. Our universe is filled with matters…

  • The Mountain

    The Mountain

    If you can see a mountain then you are not in that mountain (unless you can split yourself to be present in two different places at once, which is not part of this discussion ?). By observing the mountain from a distant we can see its shape. If you are in that mountain, you might…